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When do Pipettes need to be calibrated?

Pipettes need to be calibrated or verified at regular intervals to ensure accurate and precise liquid handling. Calibration is essential to maintain the reliability of pipettes, especially in laboratory and clinical settings where precise measurements are critical. Here are some key situations and times when pipettes should be calibrated:
Initial Calibration: New pipettes should be calibrated before their first use. This initial calibration establishes a baseline for their performance.
Regular Scheduled Intervals: Pipettes should undergo periodic calibration based on a predetermined schedule. The frequency of calibration depends on several factors, including the pipette's type, usage frequency, and the specific requirements of your laboratory or institution. Common calibration intervals range from monthly to annually.
After Repairs or Maintenance: Pipettes that have undergone repairs, servicing, or significant maintenance should be recalibrated to ensure that their performance remains within specified tolerances.
Change in Operating Conditions: If there are significant changes in the environmental conditions where the pipette is used (such as temperature or humidity), recalibration may be necessary to account for any potential impact on accuracy.
After Accidental Damage: Pipettes that have been accidentally dropped, damaged, or subjected to unusual stress should be immediately evaluated and recalibrated if necessary. Even minor damage can affect their accuracy.
Before Critical Experiments: Prior to conducting experiments or assays where precision and accuracy are paramount, pipettes should be calibrated to ensure that measurements are reliable.
Change in Pipetting Technique: If there is a change in the way pipettes are used or if different operators use the same pipette, recalibration may be required to verify that the pipette is still operating within specified tolerances.
Regular Maintenance: Routine maintenance, such as cleaning, lubrication, and seal replacement, should be part of pipette care. Calibrating pipettes after maintenance helps ensure their accuracy.
Out-of-Tolerance Alerts: Many laboratories use pipettes with built-in features or external software systems that monitor pipette performance. If a pipette produces results that fall outside acceptable tolerances, it should be recalibrated immediately.

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