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How do you clean PCR well plates between uses?

Cleaning PCR well plates between uses is essential to prevent cross-contamination and ensure accurate results. 
Disposal of Reagents: After completing the PCR experiment, ensure all reagents are properly disposed of according to laboratory protocols.
Emptying Wells: Carefully empty the contents of each well, taking care to avoid splashing or spillage.
Washing with Detergent: Rinse the plate with a mild detergent solution (such as a 0.1% Triton X-100 solution) to remove any residual DNA or contaminants. Use a multichannel pipette or a plate washer to ensure thorough washing.
Rinsing: Rinse the plate thoroughly with distilled water to remove any traces of detergent.
Drying: Allow the plate to air dry completely in a sterile environment, such as a laminar flow hood or a clean bench. Alternatively, use a lint-free cloth or compressed air to dry the plate gently.
UV Irradiation (Optional): For additional decontamination, you can expose the plate to UV light for a few minutes. UV irradiation helps to eliminate any remaining traces of DNA.
Verification: Before reuse, visually inspect the plate to ensure it is clean and free of any residue or contaminants. If any wells appear to be contaminated or damaged, discard the plate and use a new one.
Storage: Store the cleaned and sterilized plate in a clean, dry environment until ready for reuse. Ensure proper labeling to avoid confusion.

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